Assessing risk

Assessing risk is one of the principle mechanisms for determining how we plan and prepare for emergencies.

The Government has produced guidance on Risk Assessment​​​​​​ and a National Risk Register.  The register is a helpful reference for those who respond to emergencies when they are assessing risk in the areas that they operate.

In South Wales, local agencies work collaboratively to maintain the South Wales Risk Register based on the National Risk Register. Work has begun to improve resilience based on its outcomes.

In Cardiff the focus of our work is on the different types of hazards in the Cardiff area which could cause a significant disruption to our normal way of life.

Using national guidance and the South Wales Risk Register as a basis, Cardiff Council has worked collaboratively with its key partners and other specialist organisations including the Met Office, Associated British Ports, British Telecom, Western Power Distribution and United Utilities to assess risks in the Cardiff area.

The register is the basis for multi-agency emergency preparedness in Cardiff, helping us all to identify and prioritise our resources to deal with the issues which most need our attention.

It is also designed to increase public awareness of the kinds of hazards Cardiff faces, and encourage individuals and organisations to think about their own preparedness.

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